Thursday, December 1, 2022

Week 14: Social Media Tools

 Week 14: Social Media Tools

    I don't use and social media management tools because I do not have an actual business, but if I did I would probably use Hootsuite or Loomly because they offer a 30 day free trial. I talked to a couple of local small business owners and all of them except one use a social media management tool. The 4 out of the 5 who do not use these tools do not use them because they don't know about them or they don't know how to use these tools. some of them also did not want to pay for these management tools because they don't see the value in these tools. The one person that does use these tools is a gym owner in Carlsbad. He pays a person to manage these social media management tools. He told me these tools are beneficial because it has helped double his membership sales ever since covid started. 

    If I were to use one of these tools it would probably use Hootsuite because they have a 30 day free trial. They also offer a free plan which could be great. The biggest con I think is that some additional services might cost more money. If you are going to pay for it I think 50 bucks a month is not bad compared to the other platforms. Loomly is also free but I read better reviews on Hootsuite. 

Classmates posts I commented on.

 Alexander Garza    

Amy Mather

Riley Myers

Alexis Morgan

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