Friday, December 16, 2022

Week 3 Part A: Aesthetics, Design, and Branding.

 Week 3 Part A: Aesthetics, Design, and Branding. 

1. Review of poorly designed websites. 

     Atari Electronics is the first website I will review and why I think it is poorly designed. Some of the issues that I saw with the Atari website were the size of their font and use of space. That can be an issue because it makes it hard for someone to navigate their page. They do not have any tabs to direct us to any services they offer. You have to just scroll all the way down until you find what you're looking for. The concept and contrast of the website is horrible in my opinion because just from looking at their page you would not be able to tell what their business is about. They just have a lot of writing with no pictures and the contrast of the page is really bad. It is just a white background with black and blue letters. Their contact information is all the way at the bottom and it is hard to make out because of the white background. Overall it is not the best design. What I would do to improve it is have links directing you to different parts of the business instead of having everything on one page like a never ending story. 

    Penny juice is the second website I will review. I will tell you why I think it was poorly designed and how it can be improved. To start I don't think this website is as bad as the Atari web page. It is not the best but it can still be saved. I like the concept of the page because at first glance I know it has to do with juice products specifically targeted for children. The contrast of the page is what throws me off a bit. I think they are doing a little too much color on their page. All the colors distract from the information they have on their page. Besides that I do not think it's that bad of a page. The reason why I chose to review them instead of a worse one, is because all they have to do is change one thing on their page, and that is the color. They are really user friendly but the color they use hurts my eyes if I stare at them for a long time. I would change the teal background to a darker color to make it easier on the viewers eyes.

 2. Reviews of well designed and easy to use web pages.  

    The two web pages that I think were designed well are the Apple website and the National Park Services website. I think the colors they used have a great contrast and are not hard on the eyes. They use darker backgrounds and use brighter colors on top of the background. This makes it easy to read the information on the website. They also have good repetition because they have their name or logo on every page they have. The font they use is also clear and easy to read. I also like how they both have everything you need to find on their website close to each other. This makes it easy to navigate the website. You can tell making their website user friendly to their users was a priority for them. That means they care about what their consumers think, which is a good sign for any company. The National park website put all their top stories on their main page which is great if you're a daily follower. The Apple website has all their top products on their main page which also tells me they know what their customers want. So they make it easy for them to find those products. The design of both websites is great and I want to have something similar for my business. The aesthetics are also really pleasing making me like them even more. In the future I will definitely use these pages for inspiration. 

    After this week's blog I think the design and aesthetics of a website are extremely important. The one thing that I noticed was the websites that were designed aesthetically well I spent more time on. The websites that were not that well done I just scrolled right past them. This is good to note because if you want people to really look at your website you have to design it well and make it aesthetically pleasing. For example the Apple website is just cool to look at. That is something I want to emulate when I create my own website.             

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